How To Buy Reddit Backlinks From Useful Posts & Comments.

Reddit is a goldmine of qualified leads and warm traffic.

With our targeted approach, we tap into this by:

  1. Identifying popular Subreddits within your niche

  2. Crafting useful posts & comments that drive traffic to your site by tactfully linking your site for the reader to visit.

  3. Boost our comments with social proof to encourage click-through.

Here's how it goes

  • You place an order right from our site, no calls necessary

  • You fill a form with your topic, URLs & keywords

  • We search for questions and topics relevant to your niche

  • We send you a

  • We publish long & organic answers, containing a backlink to your site

  • We add social proof for every answer (replies from different profiles, upvotes etc.)

Save 20% off your first order of Reddit Backlinks with code ‘NEW’!

Case Studies

Reddit Post Backlinks (Naked URL)

Our Target keyword was “italian pasta recipe”, we posted in r/cookingforbeginners.

Client asked for a naked URL, so we crafted a long form question and posted it, then boosted it with about 50 Upvotes and 10 comments.

Results from that post so far have gained significant updoots and comments, and generated thousands of clicks to clients site.

Save 20% off your first order of Reddit Backlinks with code ‘NEW’!

Reddit Post Backlink (EDIT Method)

Our goal was to link to “batteries to 3000 watt inverter”, we found an opportunity to post in r/Travel posing as an old man looking for advice.

  • Subreddit: r/Travel

  • Upvotes: 300+

  • Comments: 90+

  • Traffic Generated: 13,000+ Clicks

How to get started

If you’re ready to place an order, use the link below, and fill out your information in the intake form, our reps will contact you within hours.

If you have questions, visit the link and use the live chat button to ask questions, we’ll make sure to answer all your queries within the day.