Absolute Must-Have WordPress Plugins

Every WordPress Site Should Have Some Of These

I’ve built a ton of WordPress sites in public, and one of my most frequently asked questions is what plugins I use.

Personally, I’ve created a list of plugins which I use on almost every site, helping me eliminate all the guess work and saving me a ton of time.

These are my current absolute “must have” plugins for WordPress.

These Are My Absolute Must-Have WordPress Plugins

RankMath or TheSEOFramework

RankMath is an absolute must have, it manages a lot of the technical aspects of SEO on your site, and has a free plan that covers most things you need.

Framework costs money but is less heavy on your site, and comes with same if not better features.

WP Rocket

Absolute must-have, this plugin makes your website load super fast.

  • Caching

  • Minification

  • Deferred Loading

  • Image Optimization

  • Compressed File Cleanup

  • CDN Integration

Lasso & Internal Link Juicer

Lasso optimizes every part of your affiliate workflow, increasing clicks and conversions, plugging your revenue leaks, and showing you exactly which pages and products earn the big bucks so you can double down.

Internal Link Juicer is the state-of-the-art solution for building internal links within post content. It works by using an intelligent per-post configuration of your desired keywords. Overall, it improves your on-page SEO and your user experience (UX) by pointing out the right content for the given context.

Phoenix Media Rename

Greatly improve your SEO: rename your media files with the “Phoenix Media Rename” plugin.

Hide Admin Notices

Have you become tired of the clutter of Admin Notices that appear at the top of every page in your WordPress Dashboard?

With each new plugin or theme that you install, there seem to be more and more notices that appear at the top of each page!

With this simple plugin, you can claim back all this wasted screen space so that you can focus on what is important – creating your content.

Hide Admin Notices hides away all Notices, Messages, and Update Nags, and makes it easy for you to see them again when you want.


RevivePress, the all-in-one tool for republishing & cloning old posts and pages which push old posts to your front page, the top of archive pages, and back into RSS feeds. Ideal for sites with a large repository of evergreen content.

404 Solution

404 Solution redirects page not found errors (404s) to pages that exist and logs the errors. Redirects can also be created based on the best possible match for the URL the visitor was most likely trying to reach.


ConvertKit makes it easy to create, send and manage your email marketing campaigns; grow your email subscribers lists; send targeted newsletters; sell more products and build your membership site – all by easily embedding email marketing / email subscriber forms anywhere on your WordPress web site.


Imagify is the most advanced image optimization plugin to help you resize and compress images. You can now use its power directly in WordPress to optimise images and reduce the weight of the photos you want to add to your site – all in just one click and without sacrificing their quality.


Perfmatters is a powerful and versatile plugin that helps you optimize your WordPress site's performance and speed. It has a lot of features that let you disable unnecessary features and scripts, tweak various settings and options, clean up your database, use a CDN, host analytics locally, and more.

WP Sheet Editor

A Spreadsheet created specially for WordPress. Edit posts, pages, categories & more in bulk using Spreadsheet.

If I’ve missed anything, comment down below or on my Reddit thread!


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