SurveysToCash - Niche Site Builds

  • Total Posts: 142

  • Earnings: $2.18

  • CMS: WordPress

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  • WP Rocket

  • GeneratePress Pro

  • WPReview Plugin

  • Internal Link Juicer

  • RankMath

  • GenerateBlocks

  • WordFence


  • GeneratePress

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Home Page

Simple design, ConvertKit form (you can use GravityForms if you have FestingersVault).

I created the images for free using Canva.


Content was written using ChatGPT, I used SEMRush to do basic keyword research and then used the Scraper plugin to summarize some of the top performing sites in some of these queries.

I then created an outline and began to fill it in 50/50 manually/GPT, I created the outlines in such a way that they could be used as templates for every country/profession I wrote about.

All I’d have to do is edit each page and change the focus keyword to the new one, it’s hard to explain if you’ve never done this before, but I’m essentially doing “find and replace” on a Google Docs to switch out keywords, for example:

  • From: Best Paid Survey Sites in San Diego (San Diego is the target)

  • To: Best Paid Survey Sites in Las Vegas (Vegas becomes the target)

I could have done this programmatically, but I simply used WordPress Sheets Editor to switch out the keywords in the titles, meta descriptions, and even the text in the content.

I then went through manually and updated all the images, this took a pretty long time (few hours), but at some point, I had a great template to work off of, and it started taking less time to do these.

Here’s a layout of the page, each page starts with an introduction, featured image, a few paragraphs about the topic, then goes right into reviewing/displaying the content the reader came for.

In most cases, it was just me reviewing paid survey sites for example, or reviewing programs that were relevant to this topic.

I also added some display ads on the side for some extra income, and they actually gained quite a lot of clicks, will add more details when we have something quantifiable.

So far, the buttons on the review snippets themselves rarely get clicked, they lead directly to an affiliate offer by each survey site.

The display ads point to some MaxBounty ads I found lately, I will be updating the review snippet links to the MaxBounty offers too at some point.

This site has a very long way to go, it gained some traffic/impressions initially, but then it died down a bit.

I’m continuing to add about an article a day so far, my goal is to get to about 1,000 articles and hopefully make some profit by then, because competition on this niche is fierce, and I really need some backlinks.


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