WhatGoesWellWith - Niche Site Builds

Found this exact match domain with lots of potential.

The keyphrase “what goes well with” has over 17,000 questions to rank for, with an average keyword difficulty of 29%.

Volume is deceivingly low.

Subscribe to unlock the build, learn how I do things step by step.

Save 20% off your first order of Guest Posts, Parasite Backlinks, Reddit Backlinks, Blog Content & more with code ‘STACK

I plan to do a full pSEO build using Arielle’s Bulk Publishing tool.

I’m testing a theme I’ve never seen before, I found it on CodeCanyon, it’s called Caards.

For now, I’ve uploaded the theme, I’ll be installing plugins tonight and messing around with keywords.

You can buy the theme from CodeCanyon, or if you have a FestingersVault subscription, you can download it for free.

I’ve written a guide on how to get all the themes/plugins for just $15/mo, read it here if you haven’t already.

If paying $15/mo for unlimited themes/plugins sounds like something you want, click on the ad below and try it out, I know many of you have already!

Save 20% off your first order of Guest Posts, Parasite Backlinks, Reddit Backlinks, Blog Content & more with code ‘STACK

Started Pinterest for WhatGoesWellWith.

Made an ad that offers a free downloadable recipe card, $10 budget, just to see how things go here.

The link sends you to a ConvertKit landing page, you enter your email to download it.

Then they get an automated email sequence with recipes, promoting my Notion Template for Kitchens.

I found a cookbook template I can use to create a recipe book, which I can offer for another $9.99.

That's 2 digital products for this site so far.

  • Free Recipe Template

  • Notion For Kitchens

I'll be working on social traffic and not really giving a shit about Google right now.

I found out that this Recipe plugin I have adds these shoppable Instacart buttons too, so I started adding recipes.

Example: https://whatgoeswellwith.com/copycat-din-tai-fung-cucumber-salad-recipe/

Currently still just over 100 posts, I'm updating my old posts + creating relevant content and linking back to it.

I’ve started indexing some pages, and getting some response from search engines, however, I’m not pursuing this aggressively.

These are the words I’m showing up for currently.

Also I’m boutta blast this domain authority because I’m impatient, I actually started offering this DA boosting service a year ago

Notes & Plans

  • Cookbook

  • Pinterest & Instagram

  • More Recipe Posts

  • More “Copycat” recipes

  • More Drinks

Update 7/27

Did quite a few promising upgrades to improve the site this week based on GSC and a few other things.

Some posts started getting clicks and impressions from landing on page 1-2, but others got none. So I went through every single post, checked it on GSC > Page: URL Containing (Enter URL) I kept the ones that had some impressions & clicks, and drafted the ones with no response.

Now I have 60 pages that are performing relatively well for a new site, the goal is to now optimize the fuck out of those pages, and improve internal links.

I also began working on my EEAT, by creating authors for each category on my site.

I gave them names, unique & relevant bios, profiles pictures, and even started building them their own social profiles & websites.

Save 20% off your first order of Guest Posts, Parasite Backlinks, Reddit Backlinks, Blog Content & more with code ‘STACK

I've been buying up expired domains in the food niche, ones with lots of backlinks.

I'll then create content under that specific author, then link back to me.

Over the coming weeks, I aim to have created these profiles, optimized our performing posts, fix up internal links.

Then ideally I'd hire a writer to fill each of these authors roles.

I've taught ChatGPT to talk as these people, and aim to really tighten up the language on my site.

Save 20% off your first order of Guest Posts, Parasite Backlinks, Reddit Backlinks, Blog Content & more with code ‘STACK

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